[1] When the queene had heard this friendlie motion (which was as farre from hir thought, as the man that the rude people saie is in the moone) lord how hir spirits reuiued, and how hir heart leapt in hir bodie for ioie and gladnesse And first giuing laud to al|mightie God, as the chiefe authour of hir comfort, se|condarilie to maister Lewes, as the deuiser of these good newes & tidings, she instantlie besought him, that as he had beene the first inuenter of so great an enterprise, so now he would not relinquish nor de|sist to follow the same: requiring him further (bi|cause he was apperteining to the countesse of Rich|mond mother to the erle Henrie) that he would with all diligent celeritie resort to hir, then lodging in hir husbands place, within the citie of London: and to declare on the quéenes behalfe to the countesse, that all the friends and fautors of king Edward hir hus|band,The quéenes readinesse to s [...]t forward this cõclusion. should assist and take part with the earle of Richmond hir sonne, so that he would take a corpo|rall oth after the kingdome obteined, to espouse and take to wife the ladie Elizabeth hir daughter, or else ladie Cicilie, if the eldest daughter were not then liuing.