[1] Then he (with the messenger) came to the castell of Brecknocke, where the duke and the bishop decla|red what thing was deuised, both for to set the relme in a quiet stedfastnesse, as also for the high prefer|ment of the earle of Richmond, sonne to his ladie and mistresse: willing hir first to compasse how to obteine the good will of quéene Elizabeth, and also of hir eldest daughter bearing the same name: and af|ter secretlie to send to hir sonne into Britaine, to de|clare what high honor was prepared for him, if he would sweare to marrie the ladie Elizabeth assoone as he was king, and in roiall possession of the relme. Reginald Braie with a glad heart, forgetting no|thing giuen to him in charge, in great hast and with good spéed returned to the countesse his ladie and mistresse.