[1] And so finallie to declare to you the verie conclu|sion, to the which I am both bent and set, my mind is,The duke of Buckingh [...] resolued to helpe to de|pose king Ri|chard, and to prefer the [...] of Richmond to the crowne. and my power and pursse shall helpe, that the earle of Richmond, verie heire of the house of Lancaster (in the quarrell of the which linage, both my father and grandfather lost their liues in battell) shall take to wife ladie Elizabeth eldest daughter to king Ed|ward, by the which mariage both the houses of Yorke and Lancaster may be ioined and vnited in one, to the cleere establishment of the title to the crowne of this noble relme. To which conclusion if the mothers of both parts, and especiallie the earle himselfe, and the ladie will agrée: I doubt not but the The duke of Glocester now king. bragging bore, which with his tuskes raseth euerie mans skin, shall not onelie be brought to confusion (as he hath deserued) but that this empire shall euer be certeine of an vndubitate heire, & then shall all ciuill and in|testine warre cease, which so long hath continued to the paring of manie mens crownes, and this realme shall be reduced againe to quietnesse, renowme and glorie.