[1] For (as I told you before) the counfesse of Rich|mond in my returne from the new named king, méeting me in the high waie, pra [...]ed me first for kin|red sake, secondar [...]lie for the loue that I bare to my grandfather duke Humfrie, which was sworne bro|ther to hir father, so mooue the king to be good to hir sonne Henrie earle of Richmond, and to licence him with his fauour to returne againe into England. And if it were his pleasure so to doo, she promised that the earle hir sonne should marrie one of king Ed|wards daughters, at the appointment of the king, without anie thing to be taken or demanded for the said espousals, but onelie the kings fauour: which re|quest I soone ouerpassed, and gaue hir faire words, and so departed.