[1] [2] And if the said two linages of Yorke and Lan|caster,The dukes resolution not to medle in seéking to ob|teine the crowne. which so long haue striued for the imperiall di|adem, should ioine in one against me, then were I suerlie mated, and the game gotten. Wherefore I haue cléerelie determined, and with my selfe conclu|ded, vtterlie to relinquish all such fantasticall ima|ginations, concerning the obteining of the crowne. But all such plagues, calamities and troubles, which I feared and suspected might haue chanced on me if I had taken the rule and regiment of this realme, I shall with a reredemaine so make them rebound to to our common enimie that calleth himselfe king, that the best stopper that he hath at tenice shall not well stop without a fault.