[1] But in that iournie (as I returned) whither it were by the inspiration of the Holie-ghost,The imagi|nations of the duke of Buckingham to depriue K. Richard. or by melan|cholious disposition, I had diuerse and sundrie imagi|nations how to depriue this vnnaturall vncle, and bloudie butcher, from his roiall seat, and princelie dignitie. First I santised, that if I list to take vpon me the crowne, and imperiall scepter of the realme, now was the time propice and conuenient. For now was the waie made plaine, and the gate opened, and occasion giuen: which now neglected, should perad|uenture neuer take such effect and conclusion. For I saw he was disdeined of the lords temporall, abhored and accurssed of the lords spirituall, detested of all gentlemen, and despised of all the communaltie: so that I saw my chance as perfectlie as I saw mine owne image in a glasse, that there was no person (if I had béene gréedie to attempt the enterprise) could nor should haue woone the ring, or got the gole before me. And on this point I rested in imagination se|cretlie with my selfe two daies at Tewkesburie.