[1] For when he was once crowned king, and in full possession of the whole realme,The princi|pall cause why the duke of Buckingham cõceiued such inward grudge a|gainst king Richard. he cast awaie his old conditions as the adder dooth hir skin, verifieng the old prouerbe; Honours change manners, as the pa|rish preest remembreth that he was neuer parish clearke. For when I myselfe sued vnto him for my part of the earle of Herefords lands which his brother king Edward wrongfullie deteined and withheld from me; and also required to haue the office of the high constableship of England, as diuerse of my no|ble ancestors before this time haue had, and in long descent continued: in this my first sute shewing his good mind toward me; he did not onelie first delaie me, and afterward denaie me, but gaue me such vn|kind words, with such tawnts & retawnts, ye in man|ner checke and checkemate, to the vttermost proofe of my patience: as though I had neuer furthered him, but hindered him; as though I had put him downe, and not set him vp.