[1] Which thing when he saw me somewhat sticke at, both for the strangenesse of the example (bicause no such president had béene séene) and also bicause we re|membred that men once ascended to the highest type of honour and authoritie, will not gladlie descend a|gaine; he then brought in instruments, autentike doctors, proctors, and notaries of the law, with depo|sitions of diuerse witnesses, testifieng king Ed|wards children to be bastards. Which depositions then I thought to be as true, as now I know them to be feined; and testified by persons with rewards vntrulie suborned. When the said depositions were before vs read and diligentlie heard, he stood vp bare|headed, saieng: Well my lords, euen as I and you (sage and discréet councellors) would that my nephue should haue no wrong; so I praie you doo me nothing but right. For these witnesses & saiengs of famous doctors being true, I am onelie the vndubitate heire to lord Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, adiud|ged to be the verie heire to the crowne of this relme by authoritie of parlement.