[1] So the next daie, the duke sent for the bishop, and rehearsed to him in maner (for he was both wittie and eloquent) all the communication had betwéene them before, and so paused a while,A new confe|rẽce betweene the bishop and the duke. and after a little season, putting off his bonet, he said: O Lord God creator of all things, how much is this relme of Eng|land, and the people of the same, bounden vnto thy goodnesse! For where we now be in vexation and trouble with great stormes oppressed, sailing and tos|sing in a desperate ship, without good maister or go|uernour: yet by thy helpe good Lord I trust yer long time passe, that we shall prouide for such a ruler, as shall be both to thy pleasure, and also to the securitie and safegard of this noble realme.