[1] For if you could either deuise to set vp againe the linage of Lancaster, or aduance the eldest daughter of king Edward to some high and puissant prince, not onelie the new crowned king shall small time inioy the glorie of his dignitie; but also all ciuill war should ceasse, all domesticall discord should sléepe, and peace, profit and quietnesse should be set foorth and im|braced. When the bishop had thus ended his saieng, the duke sighed, and spake not of a great while. Which sore abashed the bishop, and made him change colour. Which thing when the duke perceiued, he said; Be not afraid my lord, all promises shall be kept, to mor|row we will common more: let vs go to supper. So that night they communed no more, not a little to the disquieting of the bishop, which now was euen as de|sirous to know the dukes mind and intent, as the duke longed the daie before to know his opinion and meaning.