[1] And if you your selfe, knowing the paine and tra|uell that apperteineth to the office of a king, or for any other consideration, will refuse to take vpon you the crowne and scepter of this realme:The bishop adiureth the duke to release the realme by some deuise from the pre|sent euill state. then I adiure you, by the faith that you owe to God, by your honor and by your oth made to saint George, patrone of the noble order of the garter (whereof you be a compani|on) and by the loue and affection that you beare to your natiue countrie, and the people of the same; to deuise some waie, how this realme (now being in mi|serie) may by your high discretion and princelie poli|cie, be brought and reduced to some suertie and conue|nient regiment, vnder some good gouernour by you to be appointed: for you are the verie patrone, the onelie helpe, refuge and comfort for the poore amazed and desolate commons of this realme.