[1] But on the other side,Dispraise of the lord pro|tector or king messe. when I call to memorie the good qualities of the late protector, and now called king, so violated and subuerted by tyrannie, so chan|ged and altered by vsurped authoritie, so clouded and shadowed by blind and insatiable ambition; yea, and so suddenlie (in manner by a metamorphosis) trans|formed from politike ciuilitie, to detestable tyrannie: I must needs saie, & iustlie affirme, that he is neither méet to be a king of so noble a realme, nor so famous a realme méet to be gouerned by such a tyrant [whose kingdome (if it were of more amplenesse than it is) could not long continue; neither would the Lord suf|fer him in his bloudthirstines to abuse the holie and diuine estate of a prince by the cruell title of tyran|nie. For such he will ouerthrow, yea he will bring most horrible slaughter vpõ them, as it is prophesied
Impius ad summos quamuis ascendat honores,Aspice quas clades tempora saeua vehent.