[1] The bishop being somewhat bolder, considering the dukes promise, but most of all animated and in|couraged bicause he knew the duke desirous to bee exalted and magnified;Bishop Mor|ton buildeth vpõ the dukes ambition. and also he perceiued the in|ward hatred and priuie rancor which he bare toward king Richard: was now boldened to open his sto|mach euen to the verie bottome, intending thereby to compas [...] [...] to destroie, and vtterlie confound king Richa [...], and to depriue him of his dignitie roi|all; or else to set the duke so on fire with the desire of ambition, that he himselfe might be safe and escape out of all danger and perill. Which thing he brought shortlie to conclusion, both to the kings destruction, and the dukes confusion, and to his owne safegard, and finallie to his high promotion.