[1] The duke somewhat maruelling at his sudden pauses,Here endeth sir Thomas Moore, & this that followeth is taken out [...] master Hall. as though they were but parentheses, with a high countenance said: My lord, I euidentlie per|ceiue, and no lesse note your often breathing, and sud|den stopping in your communication; so that to my intelligence, your words neither come to anie direct or perfect sentence in conclusion, whereby either I might perceiue and haue knowledge, what your in|ward intent is now toward the king, or what affecti|on you beare toward me. For the comparison of good qualities ascribed to vs both (for the which I my selfe acknowledge and recognise to haue none, nor looke for no praise of anie creature for the same) ma|keth me not a little to muse, thinking that you haue some other priuie imagination, by loue or by grudge, ingrauen and imprinted in your heart, which for feare you dare not, or for childish shamefastnesse you be a|bashed to disclose and reueale; and speciallie to mee being your fréend, which on my honor doo assure you, to be as secret in this case, as the deafe and dumbe person is to the singer, or the tree to the hunter.