[1] After which lost, and that part vtterlie subdued, the other (for his fast faith and wisedome) not onelie was content to receiue him, but also wooed him to come, and had him from thencefoorth both in secret trust, and verie speciall fauour, which he nothing deceiued. For he being (as yée haue heard) after king Edwards death, first taken by the tyrant for his truth to the king, found the meane to set this duke in his top, ioi|ned gentlemen togither in the aid of king Henrie, deuising first the mariage betwéene him & king Ed|wards daughter: by which his faith he declared the good seruice to both his masters at once, with infinit benefit to the realme by the coniunction of those two blouds in one, whose seuerall titles had long disquie|ted the land, he fled the realme, went to Rome, neuer minding more to meddle with the world; till the no|ble prince king Henrie the seuenth gat him home a|gaine, made him archbishop of Canturburie,The high [...]nour of [...] Morton. and chancellor of England, wherevnto the pope ioined the honour of cardinall. Thus liuing manie daies in as much honor as one man might well wish, en|ded them so godlie, that his death with Gods mercie well changed his life.