[1] The messenger sent backe with thanks, & some se|cret instruction of the protectors mind, yet met him a|gaine with further message from the duke his master within few daies after at Notingham: whither the protector from Yorke with manie gentlemen of the north countrie, to the number of six hundred horsses, was come on his waie to London-ward, & after se|cret méeting and communication had, eftsoones de|parted. Wherevpon at Northampton, the duke met with the protector himselfe with thrée hundred hors|ses, and from thense still continued with him part|ner of all his deuises; till that after his coronation, they departed (as it séemed) verie great fréends at Glocester. From whense as soone as the duke came home, he so lightlie turned from him, and so highlie conspired against him, that a man would maruell whereof the change grew. And suerlie, the occasion of their variance is of diuerse men diuerselie repor|ted.