[1] This Iohn Gréene did his errand vnto Braken|berie, knéeling before our ladie in the Tower. Who plainelie answered,The murther of the two yoong princes set abroch. that he would neuer put them to death to die therefore. With which answer Iohn Gréene returning, recounted the same to king Ri|chard at Warwike yet in his waie. Wherewith he tooke such displeasure & thought, that the same night he said vnto a secret page of his:
Ah! whom shall a man trust? Those that I haue brought vp my selfe, those that I had wéent would most suerlie serue me, euen those faile me, and at my commandement will doo nothing for me. Sir (quoth his page) there lieth one on your pallet without, that I dare well saie, to doo your grace pleasure, the thing were right hard that he would refuse.Meaning this by sir Iames Tirrell, which was a man of right goodlie personage,Sir Iames Tirrell de|scribed. and for natures gifts worthie to haue serued a much better prince, if he had well serued God, and by grace obteined as much truth and good will as he had strength and wit.