[1] King Richard after his coronation, taking his waie to Glocester to visit (in his new honour) the towne of which he bare the name of his old, deuised (as he rode) to fulfill the thing which he before had in|tended. And forsomuch as his mind gaue him, that his nephues liuing, men would not reckon that he could haue right to the realme: he thought therefore without delaie to rid them, as though the killing of his kinsmen could amend his cause, and make him a kindlie king. Whervpon he sent one Iohn Greene, (whom he speciallie trusted) vnto sir Robert Braken|berie, constable of the Tower,Iohn Grée [...], Robert Bra|kenberie con|stable of the Tower. with a letter and cre|dence also, that the same sir Robert should in anie wise put the two children to death.