[1] Insomuch that there was nothing so plaine and o|penlie prooued,Close dealing is euer su|spected. but that yet for the common custome of close and couert dealing, men had it euer inward|lie suspect; as manie well counterfaited iewels make the true mistrusted. Howbeit, concerning the opini|on, with the occasions moouing either partie, we shall haue place more at large to intreat, if we hereafter happen to write the time of the late noble prince of famous memorie king Henrie the seauenth, or per|case that historie of Perkin in anie compendious processe by it selfe. But in the meane time, for this present matter, I shall rehearse you the dolorous end of those babes, not after euerie waie that I haue heard, but after that waie that I haue so heard by such men and by such meanes, as me thinketh it were hard but it should be true.