[1] [2] [3] [4] And on the right hand of the king sat the bishop of Canturburie. The ladies sat all on one side, in the middle of the hall. And at the table against them sat the chancellor and all the lords. At the table next the cupboord, sat the maior of London; and at the table behind the lords, sat the barons of the ports: and at the other tables sat noble and worshipfull persona|ges. When all persons were set, the duke of Norf|folke earle marshall, the earle of Surrie, constable for that daie, the lord Stanlie lord steward, sir Wil|liam Hopton treasuror, & sir Thomas Persie con|trollor, came in and serued the king solemnelie, with one dish of gold, and an other of siluer, and the quéene all in gilt vessell, and the bishop all in siluer.