[1] Iohn Tiptoff, a noble man borne, a great trauel|ler, excellentlie learned, and wrote diuerse treatises, and finallie lost his head in the yeare 1471, in time of the ciuill warre betwixt the houses of Yorke and Lancaster; Iohn Shirwood bishop of Durham; Tho|mas Kent an excellent philosopher; Robert Huggon borne in Norffolke in a towne called Hardingham, wrote certeine vaine prophesies; Iohn Maxfield a learned physician; William Gréene a Carmelit fri|er; Thomas Norton borne in Bristow an alcumist; Iohn Meare a moonke of Norwich; Richard Por|land borne in Norffolke a Franciscane frier, and a doctor of diuinitie; Thomas Milling a moonke of Westminster, a doctor of diuinitie and preferred to the bishoprike of Hereford; Scogan a learned gen|tleman and student for a time in Oxford, of a plesant wit, and bent to merrie deuises, in respect whereof he was called into the court, where giuing himselfe to his naturall inclination of mirth & pleasant pastime, he plaied manie sporting parts, although not in such vnciuill maner as hath beene of him reported.
Thus farre the prosperous reigne of Edward the fourth, sonne and heire to Richard duke of Yorke.