[1] Rochus a Chaterhouse moonke borne in London, of honest parents, and studied in the vniuersitie of Paris, he wrote diuerse epigrams; Iohn Phreas borne also in London was fellow of Balioll colledge in Oxenford, and after went into Italie, where he heard Guarinus that excellent philosopher read in Ferrara, he prooued an excellent physician and a skilfull lawier, there was not in Italie (whilest he re|mained there) that passed him in eloquence & know|ledge of both the toongs, Gréeke and Latine; Wal|ter Hunt a Carmelit frier, a great diuine, and for his excellencie in learning sent from the whole bodie of this realme, vnto the generall councell holden first at Ferrara, and after at Florence by pope Eu|genius the fourth, where he disputed among other with the Gréekes, in defense of the order and cere|monies of the Latine church; Thomas Wighenhall a moonke of the order called Premonstratensis in the abbie of Durham in Norffolke.