[1] As first, Nicholas Kenton borne in Suffolke a Carmelit frier in Gippeswich, prouinciall of his or|der through England; Henrie Parker a Carmelit frier of Doncaster, preached against the pride of pre|lats, and for such doctrine as he set foorth, was impri|soned with his fellow Thomas Holden, and a cer|teine blacke frier also for the like cause; Parker was forced to recant thrée speciall articles, as Bale no|teth out of Leland; Iohn Harding an esquier borne in the north parts, wrote a chronicle in English verse, and among other speciall points therein tou|ched, he gathered all the submissions and homages had and made by the Scotish kings, euen from the daies of king Athelstan [whereby it euidentlie may appeare, how the Scotish kingdome euen in manner from the first establishing thereof here in Britaine, hath beene apperteining vnto the kings of England, and holden of them as their chéefe & superior lords.]