[1] Hauing thus spoken, and set things in good staie, as might be supposed, he shortlie after departed this life at Westminster the ninth of Aprill, in the yeare 1483, after he had reigned two and twentie yeares, one moneth, and eight daies. His bodie was with fu|nerall pompe conueied to Windsore, and there bu|ried. He left behind him issue by the quéene his wife two sonnes, Edward and Richard, with fiue daugh|ters; Elizabeth that was after quéene, married to Henrie the seauenth; Cicilie married to the vicount Welles; Briget a nunne professed in Sion or Dert|ford, as sir Thomas More saith; Anne married to the lord Thomas Howard, after earle of Surrie, and duke of Norffolke; Katharine wedded to the lord William Courtenie sonne to the earle of Deuon|shire. Beside these he left behind him likewise a base sonne named Arthur, that was after vicount Lisle. For the description of his person & qualities I will referre you to that which sir Thomas More hath writ|ten of him in that historie, which he wrote and left vnfinished of his sonne Edward the fift, and of his brother king Richard the third: which we shall (God willing) hereafter make you partaker of, as we find the same recorded among his other workes, word for word; when first we haue (according to our begun order) rehearsed such writers of our nation as liued in his daies.