[1] So that you see it was conteined in the said instru|ment or writing, that king Edward should intimate his pleasure vnto the said prouost and burgesses of Edenburgh, before the feast of Alsaints next follow|ing, whether he would the mariage should take place, or that he would haue the paiment of the monie. Ac|cording to which article, king Edward sent Gartier his principall king of armes,Gartier king of armes is sent into Scotland. and Northumberland herald, to declare his refusall of the mariage, and the election and choise of the repaiment of the monie. They came to Edenburgh eight daies before the feast of Alsaints, where (according to their commissi|on and instructions) Gartier declared the pleasure of the king his maister vnto the prouost and burgesses of Edenburgh, to whom he openlie said as followeth.