[1] But before he departed from the duke of Glo|cester, he promised both by word and writing of his owne hand, to doo and performe all such things, as he before that time had sworne and promised to king Edward: notwithstanding anie agréement now made, or after to be made with the lords of Scot|land. And for performance of the effect hereof, he a|gaine tooke a corporall oth, and sealed the writing be|fore the duke of Glocester, in the English campe at Leuington besides Hadington,The duke of Albanie re|stored home. the third daie of Au|gust, in the yeare 1482. After he was restored, the lords of Scotland proclamed him great lieutenant of Scotland;He is created great lieute|nant of Scot|land. and in the kings name made proclama|tion, that all men within eight daies should be readie at Craushaus, both to raise the siege before the ca|stell, and for the recouering againe of the towne of Berwike.