[1] But to returne to the kings affaires concerning Scotland. The roiall armie aforesaid, Anno reg. 23. 1483 not intending to lose time, came suddenlie by the water side to the towne of Berwike, and there (what with force, and what with feare of so great an armie) tooke and ente|red the towne: but the earle of Bothwell,Berwike woone by the Englishmen. being cap|teine of the castell, would in no wise deliuer it; wher|fore the capteins, vpon good and deliberate aduise, planted a strong siege round about it. When this siege was laid, the two dukes and all the other soul|diers [page 706] (except the lord Stanleie, sir Iohn Eldrington treasuror of the kings house, sir William a Parre, and foure thousand men that were left behind to keepe the siege before the castell) departed from Ber|wike toward Edenburgh; and in marching thither|ward, they burnt and destroied manie townes and hastiles. King Iames hauing small confidence in his communaltie, and lesse trust in his nobilitie, kept himselfe within the castell of Edenburgh.