[1] These valiant capteins came to Alnewike in Nor|thumberland, about the beginning of Iulie, where they first incamped themselues, & marshalled their hoast. The fore-ward was led by the earle of Nor|thumberland, vnder whose standard were the lord Seroope of Bolton, sir Iohn Middleton, sir Iohn Dichfield, and diuerse other knights, esquiers, & soul|diers, to the number of six thousand and seauen hun|dred. In the midle-ward was the duke of Glocester, and with him the duke of Albanie, the lord Louell, the lord Greiestocke, sir Edward Wooduile, and o|ther, to the number of fiue thousand & eight hundred men. The lord Neuill was appointed to follow, ac|companied with three thousand. The lord Stanleie led the wing on the right hand of the dukes battell with foure thousand men of Lancashire & Cheshire. The lord Fitz Hugh, sir William a Parre, sir Iames Harrington, with the number of two thou|sand souldiers, guided the left wing. And beside all these, there were one thousand appointed to giue their attendance on the ordinance.