[1] [2] King Edward, not a little displeased with this vn|princelie dooing, prouoked and set on also by the duke of Albanie, determined to inuade Scotland with an armie, as well to reuenge his owne iniuries recei|ued at the hands of king Iames, as to helpe to re|store the duke of Albanie vnto his countrie and pos|sessions againe.Preparation for warre a|gainst Scot|land. Herevpon all the Winter season he mustered his men, prepared his ordinance, rigged his ships, and left nothing vnprouided for such a iour|nie: so that in the beginning of the yeare, all things apperteining to the warre, and necessarie for his voi|age, were in a readinesse.1482 Anno Reg. 22. To be the cheefteine of his hoast, and lieutenant generall, Richard duke of Glo|cester was appointed by his brother king Edward;An armie sen [...] into Scot|land. and with him were adioined as associats, Henrie the fourth earle of Northumberland, Thomas lord Stanleie lord steward of the kings house, the lord Louell, the lord Greiestocke, and diuerse other no|ble men and worthie knights.