[1] Ambassadors [...]oorth of Scotland.In this verie season Iames the third of that name king of Scots sent into England a solemne ambas|sage for to haue the ladie Cicilie, king Edwards se|cond daughter, to be married to his eldest sonne Iames, prince of Scotland, duke of Rothsaie, and earle of Caricke. King Edward and his councell, perceiuing that this affinitie should be both honou|rable and profitable to the realme, did not onelie grant to his desire; but also before hand disbursed cer|teine summes of monie, to the onelie intent that the marriage hereafter should neither be hindered nor broken. With this condition, that if the said mariage by anie accidentall meane should in time to come take none effect; or that king Edward would notifie to the king of Scots, or his councell, that his plea|sure was determined to haue the said marriage dis|solued: then the prouost and merchants of the towne of Edenburgh, should be bound for repaiment of the said summes againe. All which things were with great deliberation concluded, passed, and sealed, in hope of continuall peace and indissoluble amitie.