[1] [2] Thus passed faire words and golden promises be|twéene these two princes: and in the meane time the yoong duchesse of Burgognie was spoiled of hir townes, castels & territories, till at length for main|tenance she condescended to marrie with Maximi|lian sonne to the emperour Frederike, that he might kéepe the woolfe from the fold. King Edward in the ninetéenth yeare of his reigne began (more than he was before accustomed) to serch the forfeiture of pe|nall lawes and statutes,1479 Anno Reg. 19. as well of the chéefe of his nobilitie as of other gentlemen, being proprietaries of great possessions, or abundantlie furnished with goods; likewise of merchants, and other inferior per|sons. By reason whereof, it was of all men iudged that he would proue he reafter a sore and a rigorous prince among his subiects. But this his new inuen|ted practise and couetous meaning (by reason of for|reine affaires and abridgement of his daies in this transitorie life, which were within two yeares after consumed) tooke some (but not great) effect.