[1] [page 704] The ambassadours of England were highlie re|ceiued, bountifullie feasted, and liberallie rewarded, but answer to their desire had they none; sauing that shortlie after, the French king would send ambassa|dours, hostages, and pledges to the king of England their maister, for the perfecting and concluding of all things depending betweene them two; so that their souereigne lord & they should haue cause to be contented and pleased. These faire words were one|lie delaies to driue time, vntill he might haue space to spoile the yoong damsell of hir townes and coun|tries. And beside this, to staie king Edward from taking part with hir, he wrote to him, that if he would ioine with him in aid, he should haue and in|ioie to him and his heires the whole countie & coun|trie of Flanders, discharged of homage, superioritie and resort, to be claimed by the French king, or his successors.