[1] This duke left behind him two yoong infants be|got of the bodie of his wife, the daughter of Richard late earle of Warwike: which children by destinie as it were, or by their owne merits, following the steps of their ancestors, succéeded them in like misfortune and semblable euill chance. For Edward his heire,Edward erle of Warwike sonne & heire to George duke of Cla|rence. whom king Edward had created earle of Warwike was thrée and twentie yeares after, in the time of Henrie the seauenth, atteinted of treason, and on the Tower hill lost his head. Margaret his sole daugh|ter maried to sir Richard Pole knight, and by Hen|rie the eight restored to the name, title, & possessions of the earledome of Salisburie,Margaret duchesse of Salisburie. was at length for treason committed against the said Henrie the eight atteinted in open parlement; and sixtie two yeares after hir father had suffered death in the Tower, she on the greene within the same place was beheaded. In whose person died the verie surname of Planta|genet, which from Geffrie Plantagenet so long in the bloud roiall of this realme had florished and con|tinued.