[1] Which marriage king Edward (enuieng the pro|speritie of his brother) both gaine said and disturbed, and thereby old malice reuiued betwixt them: which the quéene and hir bloud (euer mistrusting, and priui|lie barking at the kings Image) ceassed not to in|crease. But sure it is, that although king Edward were consenting to his death; yet he much did both lament his infortunate chance, & repent his sudden execution: insomuch that when anie person sued to him for the pardon of malefactors condemned to death, he would accustomablie saie, & openlie speake:
Oh infortunate brother, for whose life not one would make sute. Openlie and apparantlie meaning by such words, that by the meanes of some of the nobili|tie he was deceiued and brought to confusion.