[1] This yeare the duke of Burgognie was slaine, by the Switzers,1476 Anno Reg. 16. before the towne of Nancie in Lor|raine after whose death the French king wan all the townes which the said duke held in Picardie and Ar|tois.The death of the duke of Burgognie. And bicause that the towne of Bullen and coun|tie of Bullenois apperteined by right of inheritance vnto the lord Berthram de la Toure, earle of A [...]|uergne, the French king bought of him his right and title in the same, and recompensed him with other lands in the countie of Forests, and in other places. And bicause the forenamed towne and countie were holden of the earledome of Artois, he changed the tenure, and auowed to hold the same towne & coun|tie of our ladie of Bolongne, and therof did homage to the image in the great church of Bolongne, offe|ring there an hart of goldī weieng two thousand crownes; ordeining further, that his heires and suc|cessors at their entrie into their estates, by them|selues or their deputies, should offer an hart of like weight and value, as a reliefe and homage for the same towne and countie.