[1] These ambassadors, declaring their message,Ambassadors into Britaine af|firmed that the king their maister willed to haue the earle of Richmond onelie for this purpose, to ioine with him in aliance by marriage, and so to plucke vp all the leauings of discord betwéene him and the con|trarie faction. The duke gentlie heard the orators. And though at the first he by excuses denied their re|quest, yet at the length, beléeuing that king Edward would giue to the earle his eldest daughter, the ladie Elizabeth in marriage, he consented to deliuer him, and receiued of the English orators a great summe of monie. But yer they were imbarked with their preie, the duke being aduertised, that the earle of Richmond was not so earnestlie sought for, to be cou|pled in mariage with king Edwards daughter; but rather that his head might be chopped off with an hatchet,The earle of Richmond taketh sanctu|arie. caused his treasuror Peter Landoise to con|ueie the said earle of Richmond into a sanctuarie at S. Malo, where the English ambassadors then laie, onelie staieng for a conuenient wind: who complai|ned, that they were euill vsed, to be spoiled both of their monie and merchandize.