[1] There was with either prince twelue noble men at this méeting, which was vpon a bridge cast ouer the water of Some, a grate being set ouerthwart the same in the midst, so from side to side, that the one prince could not come vnto the other; but onelie to imbrace ech other, in putting their armes through the holes of the Of timber like to the grate where the lions be kept in the Tower. grate. There were foure English|men appointed to stand with the Frenchmen on the bridge to sée their demeanour; and likewise foure Frenchmen were appointed to the Englishmen for the same purpose. There were with the king of Eng|land his brother the duke of Clarence, the earle of Northumberland, the bishop of Elie his chancellor, the lord Hastings his chamberleine, and eight others. They had louing and verie familiar talke togither a good space, both afore their companie, and secretlie a|lone, whilest their companie (of courtesie) withdrew somewhat backe.