[1] At the next méeting the commissioners agréed vp|on certeine articles, which were of both the princes accepted and allowed. It was first accorded,Articles of a|gréement be|twéene king Edward and the French king. that the French king should paie to the king of England without delaie seauentie & fiue thousand crownes of the sunne; and yearelie fiftie thousand crownes to be paid at London during king Edwards life. And fur|ther it was agréed, that Charles the Dolphin should marrie the ladie Elizabeth, eldest daughter to king Edward, and they two to haue for the maintenance of their estates the whole duchie of Guien, or else fif|tie thousand crownes yearelie to be paid within the Tower of London by the space of nine yeares;Want of mo|nie procureth peace. and at the end of that terme, the Dolphin and his wife to haue the whole duchie of Guien, and of the charge the French king to be cléerelie acquit. And it was also concluded, that the two princes should come to an interview, and there take a corporall oth for the per|formance of this peace, either in sight of other.