[1] After that the safe conducts were deliuered on both parts,Commissio|ners appoin|ted to treat of peace. the ambassadours met at a village beside A|miens. On the king of Englands side, the lord Ho|ward; sir Thomas Saintleger; doctor Morton after bishop of Elie, & chancellor of England, were cheefe. For the French king, the bastard of Burbon adme|rall of France; the lord Saint Pierre; & the bishop of Eureux called Heberge, were appointed as prin|cipall. The Englishmen demanded the whole realme of France, or at the least Normandie and whole A|quitaine. The allegations were proued by the Eng|lishmen, and politikelie defended by the Frenchmen, so that with arguments, without conclusion, the day passed, and the commissioners departed, and made relation to their maisters. The French king and his councell would not consent, that the Englishmen should haue one foot of land within France; but ra|ther determined to put him selfe & the whole realme in hazard and aduenture.