[1] This counterfeit herald, being throughlie instruc|ted in his charge, was sent to the king of England,A messenger sent to the king of En|gland. and so passing foorth: when he approched the English campe, he put on his coat of armes, & being espied of the outriders, was brought to a tent, where the lord Howard and the lord Stanleie were at dinner, of whome he was courteouslie receiued, and by them conueied to the kings presence, vnto whom he decla|red his message so wittilie, that in the end he obtei|ned a safe conduct for one hundred horsses, for such persons as his maister should appoint to meet, as ma|nie to be assigned by king Edward in some indiffe|rent place betwéene both armies, to haue a like safe conduct from his said maister, as he receiued from him. Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall. fol. Ccxxix, c [...]xxx. ¶The words of which herald are woorth the no|ting, reported in writers as followeth.