[1] [2] When he had thus said, he gaue the herald thrée hun|dred crownes, promising him a thousand crownes if anie good appointment came to passe. This herald was borne in Normandie, who being more couetous of the crownes than secret (according as of dutie by his office he ought to haue béene) promised to doo all things that in him laie,The office of [...] herald. and further shewed waies by the which the French king might enter into the port of treatie for peace, the which he doubted not would sort to a good conclusion. The French king glad to heare these things, gaue to the herald when he should depart, beside the other reward, a péece of crimson veluet of thirtie yards long. The lord Scales, com|ming to the duke of Burgognie before Nusse, could not persuade him to raise his field, and (as it stood him vpon) to come and ioine with king Edward, till at length constreined thereto by other means, he left Nusse vnconquered,The duke of Burgognie commeth to king Edward and sending the most part of his armie into Lorraine, came with a small companie to king Edward lieng before Calis.