[1] [2] In déed the time serued verie well for the Eng|lishmen to atchiue some high enterprise in France at that present.Opportunitie not to be neg|lected. For not onelie the duke of Burgog|nie as then made warre against the French king, but also manie great men within the realme of France,The earle of S. Paule. misliking the manners of their king, be|gan to haue secret intelligence with the said duke; and namelie Lewes of Lutzenburgh earle of saint Paule constable of France was secretlie confede|rate with the duke of Burgognie, intending verelie to bring the French king to some great hinderance, the better to haue his purpose accomplished in cer|teine weightie matters. King Edward vnderstan|ding all these things, was greatlie incouraged to make a iournie into France, and therevpon with all diligence prepared all things readie for the same.