[1] Moreouer, towards his charges of late susteined, a competent summe of monie was demanded,A subsidie and fréelie granted. There was also a pardon granted al|most for all offenses;A pardon. and all men then being within the realme, were released and discharged of all high treasons and crimes, although they had taken part with his aduersaries against him. In this season the duke of Burgognie had sore wars with the French king;Ambassadors from the duke of Burgognie and to be the more spéedilie reuenged on his aduersarie, he sent ambassadors into England, to [page 694] persuade king Edward to make warre also on the French king, for the recouerie of his ancient right to the realme of France, by the same French king against all equitie withholden and deteined. In which attempt of his, there was some sauour of discréet po|licie, and a prouident forecast for his greater safetie, besides the likelie possibilitie to obteine that whereto he made chalenge: sith the huger hosts (if the hardier hearts) are of most force, according to that saieng:

Virtus vnita fortior.