[1] [2] The king receiuing this answer, wrote louinglie to the duke of Britaine, that he would consider his fréendship with conuenient rewards, if it should please him to be as good as his promise. The duke, perceiuing gaine comming by the abode of the two English earles in his countrie, caused them to be se|parated in sunder, and all their seruants being Eng|lishmen to be sequestred from them, and in their pla|ces appointed Britains to attend them. In the thir|téenth yeere of his reigne,1473 Anno Reg. 13. king Edward called his high court of parlement at his palace of Westmin|ster,A parlement. in the which all lawes and ordinances made by him before that daie were confirmed, and those that king Henrie had abrogated, after his readeption of the crowne, were againe reuiued. Also lawes were made for the confiscation of traitors goods, and for the restoring of them that were for his sake fled the realme, which of his aduersaries had béene atteinted of high treason, and condemned to die.