[1] [2] But notwithstanding that (as some write) the bastard Fauconbridge, and other of his companie that were got to Sandwich, had thus their pardons by composition at the kings hand; we find neuerthe|lesse, that the said bastard Fauconbridge, being after|wards at sea (a rouing belike,The bastard of Faucon|bridge be|headed. as he had vsed before) came at length into the open hauen at Southhamp|ton, and there taking land, was apprehended, and shortlie after beheaded. This chanced (as should ap|peare by Fabian) about the latter end of October. Moreouer, Roger Uaughan that had béene sent by king Edward into Wales,Roger Uaug|han taken and beheaded. anon after Teukes|burie field (being a man of great power in that coun|trie) to intrap and surprise by some secret sleight the earle of Penbroke, the said earle being thereof aduer|tised, tooke the same Roger, and without delay stroke off his head.