[1] But now to returne to king Edward. Ye shall vnderstand, that after his comming to London, hée rested there but one daie, or two at the most, taking his iournie foorthright into Kent with all his armie, folowing the bastard, and other his complices, to sup|presse them, if they were in anie place assembled a|gaine to resist him. But after they were once disper|sed, they durst not shew themselues againe in ar|mor, those onlie excepted that were withdrawne vn|to Sandwich with the bastard;Sandwich kept by the rebels. which for the more part were mariners, about eight or nine hundred, beside certeine other euill disposed persons, that accompa|nied him as his souldiers, and men of warre, with whose assistance the bastard kept that towne by strength, hauing in the hauen seuen and fortie ships, great and small, vnder his gouernance.