[1] Canonizing of kings, [...].By reason whereof, king Henrie the seauenth sued to Pope Iulio the second, to haue him canoni|zed a saint. But for that the canonizing of a king sée|med to be more costlie than for a bishop, the said king left off his sute in that behalfe; thinking better to saue his monie, than to purchase a new holie daie of saint Henrie with so great a price, Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 730, 731, &c. remitting to God the iudgement of his will and intent. ¶But bicause princes princelie qualified, can not be too highlie praised, I will here record a collection of his com|mendable conditions, dooings, and saiengs, as I find them set downe to my hand, to his perpetuall re|nowme; and right worthie of imitation, not onelie of such as are singled out from among infinite thou|sands, to be magnified with roialtie; but also of pri|uat and meane men that conuerse and liue one with an other in the world.