[1] So then verie vnlike it is, that he died of anie wrath, indignation, and displeasure bicause his bu|sinesse about the kéeping of the crowne on his head tooke no better successe: except peraduenture ye will saie, that it gréeued him, for that such slaughters and mischéeues as had chanced within this land, came to passe onelie through his follie and default in gouern|ment: or (that more is) for his fathers, his grandfa|thers, and his owne vniust vsurping and deteining of the crowne. But howsoeuer it was, for these before remembred, and other the like properties of reputed holinesse, which was said to rest in him, it pleased God to worke miracles for him in his life time, as men haue listed to report.