[1] He was of a seemelie stature, of bodie slender, to which proportion all other members were answer|able; his face beautifull, wherein continuallie was resident the bountie of mind with the which he was inwardlie indued. Of his owne naturall inclinati|on he abhorred all the vices as well of the bodie as of the soule. His patience was such, that of all the in|iuries to him doone (which were innumerable) he ne|uer asked vengeance, thinking that for such aduersi|tie as chanced to him, his sinnes should be forgot|ten and forgiuen. What losses soeuer happened vnto him, he neuer esteemed, nor made anie account ther|of; but if anie thing were doone, that might sound as an offense towards God, he sore lamented, and with great repentance sorowed for it.