[1] [2] [3] The bastard notwithstanding gathered his com|panies togither,The bastard incampeth on Blackeheath. and with such as were willing to re|maine with him incamped on Blackeheath, by the space of thrée daies next insuing, to wit, the sixteenth, seauentéenth, and eightéenth of Maie, vtterlie despai|ring of his wished preie, sith he had béene repelled from London, to his vtter confusion. And now to conclude, hearing that king Edward was comming with a right puissant armie, the said bastard and his people durst no longer abide; but brake vp and disper|sed themselues, some one waie, and some an other. They of Calis got them thither againe with all spéed, and such as were of other countries repaired likewise to their homes, and manie of the Kentish|men went also to their houses. The bastard with his mariners, and such riotous rebels, robbers, and wic|ked persons, as sought nothing but spoile, got them to shipboord, and with all their vessels drew downe to the coast.